One of the most profound joys in life is the ability to play with your grandchildren for more than a very short time; another is seeing your toes! Prior to embarking on my odyssey of pain, deprivation and starvation, however, I could do neither. But a chance discussion with Holly in a church kitchen led me to understand that making some relatively easy lifestyle changes would afford me the ability to do BOTH things mentioned above.
David before…
David after…
While it’s not been easy, I have found Holly to be supportive and extremely knowledgeable as a trainer. She has helped me to better understand the whys and why nots of diet and exercise. She has designed exercise programs that are challenging, yet take into consideration any restrictions that I’ve had, such as knee/back/arm problems and has challenged me to make healthy choices and to keep going, even when I’d rather eat pizza and ice cream.
I’m proud of my status as the all-time biggest initial 6-week loser. Indeed, in the 10 months I’ve been working with Holly, I’ve lost 3 pants sizes and 3 suit sizes. 65 pounds and counting, and with continued attention to Holly’s guidance, I’ll meet my weight loss goal in no time. — David Potts