Is your New Year’s Resolution for 2022 to get fit? Has that been your resolution in past years too? It sounds so easy on paper – until you try to throw yourself into changing too much, too fast. Soon, you’re overwhelmed, stressed, and miserable, and you drop back into old habits.
Human brains thrive on sticking to routine and habits, but sticking to unhealthy habits won’t help you accomplish your fitness goals – nothing changes unless you change something!
Making new habits is the key to success, but upending your entire daily routine at once isn’t sustainable. Instead, start with small changes that you can use to build new healthy habits!
Here are some ideas for small changes that will help you see big results over time:
- Move your workouts to the mornings instead of evenings! If you dread stopping by the gym after a long, busy day at work, get moving in the morning, when you’re freshly rested. It’ll get your blood pumping, you’ll start off the rest of the day on the right foot and be more productive too. If you’re not really a morning person, check out my next tip-
- Prepare for work the night before to free up time for a morning workout! When you’re winding down for the evening, consider what you’ll need for work the next day and get as much ready in advance as possible. Pick out clothes, pack bags, prepare lunch, fill the coffee maker. Then, keep your normal wake-up time and use those extra minutes to fit in a quick workout before you start the day!
- Fit in a 10-minute walk where you can! When you have some downtime in your day, ask yourself, “Have I gone for a walk today?” You may even want to write it down and put little reminders where you can see them. Ten minutes of walking may not sound like much, but every bit counts! Using timers can help you keep your day on track.
- Switch out soda for water! Yes, even diet soda – our bodies actually react to artificial sweeteners the same way that they react to sugar, so diet sodas are not a good weight loss solution. Stick to regular water – you’ll cut out necessary calories and give your body a variety of other benefits that come from being properly hydrated.
- Swap junk food for healthy snacks! This is easier to do when you stop bringing junk food into the house in the first place. When you go grocery shopping, skip the chips and cookies and fill your cart with fruits, veggies, and nuts instead. Remember to eat the rainbow to get a variety of good nutrients!
These small changes can easily fit into your existing routine, so it won’t feel so impossible to make new healthy habits and get fit in 2022. Small changes help to make big changes easier, so take things step by step and you’ll get results that last!
Holly Kouvo is a personal trainer, functional aging specialist, senior fitness specialist, brain health trainer, writer, and speaker.