Workplace Wellness Programs are becoming very popular across the country. These programs not only benefit the employer’s bottom line, but the employee’s health and productivity. Healthy employees are happier and more productive. Workplace Wellness Programs track data and can show the return on your investment.
A 2003 evaluation of one large U.S. employer found that simply helping employees control their blood pressure alone can save $547 per person per year. A 2004 University of Michigan study of 23,500 General Motors employees showed that non-exercising workers claimed at least $100 more per year in health-care costs than exercisers. The study also reported that obese, sedentary employees who began exercising at least twice a week lowered their costs by an average of $500 a year.
The Business costs can fluctuate widely depending on whether the employer pays all the costs, the employee pay all costs, or the costs are shared. The Wellness Council of America estimates the cost per employee to be between $100 and $150 per year for an effective wellness program that produces a return on investment of $300 to $450.
Programs can be as simple as offering the Health & Wellness newsletters and flyers to offering lunch and learn sessions, stress reduction classes, weight reduction programs, smoking cessation programs and exercise or walking programs.
Holly Kouvo is a certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Specialist, speaker and writer who specializes in helping people lose hundreds of pounds. Learn more at